Well, hello there!

Welcome to my humble online abode. I’m happy you’re here.
(Although, I hope you're not allergic to cats!)


Digital Marketing

In a world full of people with 12-second attention spans, I know too well the value of conveying messaging and call-to-actions in a meaningful, relatable, and read-me-now way.

Copywriting & Editing

I'm meticulous in every stage of the writing process—from idea conception to nitty-gritty proofreading—until I tread across the project's finish line.

Content Production

I plan and produce reader- and viewer-friendly content with each project’s clear-cut goal in mind, whether it’s through a long-form post, a quippy caption, or 30-second short.


Over the past eight years, I've worked my wordsmithery on all sorts of good stuff—from blog posts to gift books. Check out some of my projects below.